All I want for christmas is a working HVAC

Remember how exciting the holidays were as a child? I mean, really think back to those months leading up to Christmas morning and try to recall the sense of imminent excitement that you experienced.

It was all encompassing and insurmountable for me – they were such a joyous time to be a kiddo.

Now, as an adult, however, I dread the holidays more than anything. They signify stress and spending to me, which only makes me feel negative and frantic during an otherwise cold and brutal time of the year. I don’t look forward to gifts, because even when they come, I only ever ask for practical items each year. This year what’s my big exciting Christmas desire, you ask? An HVAC appointment at my own home, that’s what. All year long I’ve lived with a dysfunctional thermostat in my home and endured the many difficulties that that brings. I could never set the indoor air temperature and forget it, because the thermostat often reset itself and unexpectedly turned off the heating or cooling program on its own accord. The thermostat program would also randomly glitch and create new settings, such as cranking up the heat to 90 degrees in the middle of the night. Sometimes it seemed like the air temperature control device couldn’t actually communicate with the central heat or cooling systems at all! Overall, it’s been a chaotic year spent with completely sporadic indoor air temperature control. All the while, I’ve been too broke to hire a professional HVAC company since paying off my credit card bills for last Christmas!

New air conditioning information