Portable AC unit

For a year plus a half now, I have not slept comfortably, it has been a long time to remain functional without having a solid night of sleep to back up all my weekly activities, however I’ve been doing my best to just plug along.

  • I have blamed a wonderful deal of my insomnia on having moved down to the deep south around that time, plus assumed that the increased air temperature was behind my inability to rest up! However, as of last week, I now also have to place some blame on myself for failing to find a better solution to the air quality issue sooner.

It turns out that managing the air temperature in our home office at night was far easier plus more attainable than I had ever imagined – all I genuinely needed was a nice little portable AC unit to modest my indoor air! For over a year, I only utilized our central cooling system, ceiling fans, plus a large resting fan to try to regulate the indoor air temperature as dusk approached. I tried to cool down my room so I could sleep without covered in sweat, however never had enough cooling power to make it happen! Every night I woke up drenched in sweat plus nauseous from the overwhelming heat plus humidity in the room. Then, we happened to stumble upon a portable AC unit marked 78% off last week! Suddenly, all those sleepless days plus all those irritated afternoons clearly became pointless in my brain. It became obvious that all this time I’ve had alternate means to control my indoor air temperature, however haven’t bothered to purchase the necessary Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C equipment. I owe the south an apology – it wasn’t your terrible air quality that kept me awake for the past year, it was my own cooling system complacency.


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